Reviewer for CHI, IDC, IHM, IEEEVR, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies ...
Program committees : IDC'19, IHM'18
Co-Chair of the Workshop sessions at IHM'17 - Poitiers
Stéphanie Fleck, Charlotte Baraudon, Jérémy Frey, Thibault Lainé, and Martin Hachet, 2018, “Teegi’s so Cute!”: Assessing the Pedagogical Potential of an Interactive Tangible Interface for Schoolchildren. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI 17th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children IDC'18, (Trondheim, Norway), 143-156.
Sébastien Rimbert, Nathalie Gayraud, Laurent Bougrain, Maureen Clerc, and Stéphanie Fleck, 2018, Can a Subjective Questionnaire Be Used as Brain-Computer Interface Performance Predictor?, Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12
Julien Veytizou, David Bertolo, Charlotte Baraudon, Alexis Olry, and Stéphanie Fleck, 2018, Could a Tangible Interface help a child to weigh his/her opinion on usability? In Proceedings of the 30e Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM'18, (Brest, France), 8 p.
Stéphanie Fleck, Guillaume Riviere, Regina Ticona-Herrera, and Nadine Couture, 2018, Classifier les interfaces tangibles par la cladistique : critères et fiches pour un inventaire collaboratif. In Proceedings of the 30e Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM'18, (Brest, France), 6p.
Estelle Lalia, Charlotte Baraudon, and Stéphanie Fleck, 2018,Concevoir des IHM pour l’éducation : Intérêts d’une sonde culturelle pour mieux connaître l’enseignant-utilisateur. In Proceedings of the. 30e Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM'18, (Brest, France), 6p.
Philippe Giraudeau, Julien Veytizou, David Bertolo, Alexis Olry, Robin Vivian, Stéphanie Fleck, and Martin Hachet, 2018, Démo - TACOTAC : Table augmentée et tangible pour des activités pédagogiques collaboratives. In Proceedings of the. 30e Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM'18, (Brest, France), A53-A54.
Sébastien Rimbert, N. Gayraud, M. Clerc, Stéphanie Fleck, and Laurent Bougrain, 2018, Can the MIQ-RS questionnaire be used to estimate the performance of a MI-based BCI? In Proceedings of the 7th International BCI Meeting (Pacific Grove, California USA)

Stéphanie Fleck, Charlotte Baraudon, Jérémy Frey, Thibault Lainé, and Martin Hachet, 2017. « Teegi, il est trop beau »: Exemple d'évaluation du potentiel pédagogique d'une interface tangible interactive pour enfants en contexte scolaire. In Proceedings of the IHM'17 (Poitiers, France), ACM, 12p.
Sébastien Rimbert, Laurent Bougrain, Romain Orhand, Jimmy Nex, Sylvain Gaborit, and Stéphanie Fleck, 2017. Grasp'it: une interface cerveau-ordinateur pour l'amélioration de l'apprentissage d'une tâche d'imagination motrice kinesthésique. In Proceedings of the IHM'17 (Poitiers, France), ACM, 2p.
Ticona-Herrera, R., Riviere, G., Couture, N., and Fleck, S. (2017). "Tangible user interfaces characterization (TUIC)", in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Luxembourg, Vol. 1861.
Stéphanie Fleck, Alexis Olry, David Bertolo, Christian Bastien, Robin Vivian, and Martin Hachet, 2017. Augmented and Tangible Environments: A Tool for Physicalization of Contents by Children in School Context? . In Proceedings of DIS ’17 Extended Workshop Abstracts (Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2017), ACM.
David Furio, Stéphanie Fleck, Bruno Bousquet, Jean-Paul Guillet, Lionel Canioni, and Martin Hachet, 2017. HOBIT: Hybrid Optical Bench for Innovative Teaching. In Proceedings of CHI'17 (Denver, CO USA, 2017), ACM, 949-959.
Jérémy Frey, Renaud Gervais, Thibault Lainé, Maxime Duluc, Hugo Germain, Stéphanie Fleck, Fabien Lotte, and Martin Hachet, 2017. Scientific Outreach with Teegi, a Tangible EEG Interface to Talk about Neurotechnologies. In Proceedings of CHI'17 Extended Abstracts (Denver, CO USA, 2017), ACM, 405-408 .
Stéphanie Fleck and Martin Hachet, 2016. Making tangible the intangible: Hybridization of the real and the virtual to enhance learning of abstract phenomena. Frontiers in ICT 3, 30.
Stéphanie Fleck, 2016. Augmenter la réalité : Emergence de nouveaux possibles pour apprendre autrement de l’école primaire à l’université. In Congrès AREF Actualité de la recherche en éducation et en formation, (Mons - Belgium).
Sébastien Rimbert, Stéphanie Fleck, Jimmy Nex, and Laurent Bougrain, 2016. Nécessité d’un protocole d’apprentissage progressif pour la maîtrise d’une imagination motrice après un AVC. In Proceedings of IHM'16 (Fribourg, Switzerland), ACM.
Stéphanie Fleck, Martin Hachet, and J. M. Christian Bastien, 2015. Marker-based augmented reality: Instructional-design to improve children interactions with astronomical concepts. In Proceedings of IDC'15 (Boston, MA USA), ACM, 21-28.
Stéphanie Fleck and Martin Hachet, 2015. Helios: a tangible and augmented environment to learn optical phenomena in astronomy. In Proceedings of ETOP - Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (Bordeaux, France, 2015), SPIE, 979331-979336.
David Furio, Martin Hachet, Jean-Paul Guillet, Bruno Bousquet, Stéphanie Fleck, Patrick Reuter, and Lionel Canioni, 2015. AMI: Augmented Michelson Interferometer. In Proceedings of ETOP-Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (Bordeaux, France), SPIE, 97930M-97931/97936.
Benoit Roussel and Stéphanie Fleck, 2015. “Moi, voilà ce que je voudrais que tu me fabriques !” (Lucie, 9 ans) : Design participatif pour l’utilisabilité de marqueurs tangibles en contexte scolaire. In Proceedings of the IHM'15 (Toulouse, 27-30), ACM, a2 1-9.
Nathalie Blaesius and Stéphanie Fleck, 2015. Quinze minutes de jeu vidéo: apports pour la prise en charge de la dyslexie. Design participatif pour l’utilisabilité de marqueurs tangibles en contexte scolaire. In Proceedings of the IHM'15 (Toulouse, 27-30), ACM, w9 1-6.
Stéphanie Fleck, Gilles Simon, and Christian Bastien, 2014. AIBLE: An Inquiry-Based Augmented Reality Environment for teaching astronomical phenomena. In Proceedings of ISMAR'14 (Munich, Germany), IEEE, 65-66.
Stéphanie Fleck, Gilles Simon, Jérome Dinet, Christian Bastien, and Javier Barcenilla, 2014. Astronomy learning in elementary grades: Influences of an augmented reality learning environment on conceptual changes. In Proceedings of 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (Paris, France).
Jérémy Frey, Renaud Gervais, Stéphanie Fleck, Fabien Lotte, and Martin Hachet, 2014. Teegi: Tangible EEG Interface. In Proceedings UIST'14 (Honolulu, Hawaï), ACM, 301-308
Stéphanie Fleck, Gilles Simon, and Christian Bastien, 2014. AIBLE: An Inquiry-Based Augmented Reality Environment for teaching astronomical phenomena. In Proceedings of ISMAR'14 (Munich, Germany), IEEE, 65-66.
Stéphanie Fleck, 2005. Tâtonnement expérimental : Processus naturel d'apprentissage. In Expérimenter pour apprendre, B. Andrieu Ed. L'Harmattan, 327-340.
R Michels, M Elie, P Faure, V Huault, L Martinez, D Bartier, S Fleck, and Y Hautevelle, 2005. Nature and reactivity of organic matter in argillaceous formations: example of the Callovo-Oxfordian of Bure (France). Stability and Buffering Capacity of the Geosphere for Long-term Isolation of Radioactive Waste, 165-168.
Alain Izart, Christian Palain, Fabrice Malartre, Stéphanie Fleck, and Raymond Michels, 2005. Paleoenvironments, paleoclimates and sequences of Westphalian deposits of Lorraine coal basin (Upper Carboniferous, NE France). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 176, 3, 301-315.
Y Li, R Michels, L Mansuy, S Fleck, and P Faure, 2002. Comparison of pressurized liquid extraction with classical solvent extraction and microwave-assisted extraction–application to the investigation of the artificial maturation of Mahakam coal. Fuel 81, 6, 747-755.
S Fleck, R Michels, S Ferry, F Malartre, P Elion, and P Landais, 2002. Organic geochemistry in a sequence stratigraphic framework. The siliciclastic shelf environment of Cretaceous series, SE France. Organic geochemistry 33, 12, 1533-1557.
Alain Izart, Stéphanie Fleck, and Raymond Michels, 2001. Comparaison entre les données de sédimentologie et de géochimie organique dans le Westphalien C de Lorraine. In 8e congrès français de sédimentologie, A.a.D.S. Français Ed., Orléans, France, 197-198.
Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, and Patrick Landais, 2001. Les hopanes comme marqueurs de l'oxydation précoce en environnement de plate-forme continentale? Exemple de Marcoule-Gard. In 8e congrès français de sédimentologie, A.a.D.S. Français Ed., Orléans, France, 139-140.
Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, Alain Izart, and Patrick Landais, 2001. A reassessment of the Huang and Meinschein regular steranes diagram for the paleoenvironment interpretation of continental sedimentary deposits. In 20th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Nancy.
Stephanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, Alain Izart, Marcel Elie, and Patrick Landais, 2001. Paleoenvironmental assessment of Westphalian fluvio-lacustrine deposits of Lorraine (France) using a combination of organic geochemistry and sedimentology. International journal of coal geology 48, 1, 65-88.
Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, Serge Ferry, Fabrice Malartre, P Elion, and P. Landais, 2001. Correlation between sequence stratigraphy and organic geochemistry in a continental shelf environment: Example of the Cretaceous of SE - France. In 20th International Meeting of Organic Geochemistry, Nancy.
Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, and Patrick Landais, 2000. Constraints on the palaeoenvironment interpretation assessment of steranes from ancient sediments. In Goldschmidt, Oxford.
Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, and Patrick Landais, 2000. Correlation between organic geochemistry and sequence stratigraphy: an example from the Cretaceous of South-Eastern France. In Gordon Research Conference on Organic Geochemistry, Holderness (NH-USA).
Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, Alain Izart, Christian Palain, and Patrick Landais, 2000. Sedimentology and biomarker characterisation in the fluvio-limnic environment of the Lorraine coal basin (France). In 20th Regional Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentologists, Dublin.
Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, Alain Izart, G Vigneron, and Patrick Landais, 1999. Preservation of organic matter and paleoenvironment assessment in westphalian fluvio-lacustrine deposits of Lorraine (France). In 217th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim.
Marcel Elie, Pierre Faure, Stéphanie Fleck, Raymond Michels, Patrick Landais, and L Griffault, 1999. Estimation of organic matter preservation in ancient argilaceous sediments and constraints on samples quality. In 217th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, USA.
S Fleck, C France-Lanord, and B Marty, 1998. Cosmogenic 3He accumulation in alluvial garnets in bedload from Central Nepal rivers: Implications for cosmic-ray exposure dating of Himalayan erosional processes. Mineralogical Magazine, 62A, 458-459.